We believe file management should be universal.

Your priceless personal data shouldn't be stuck in a device ecosystem. It should be OS agnostic, permanent and owned by you.

The data we create daily is our legacy—that will long outlive us. Open source technology is the only way to ensure we retain absolute control over the files that define our lives, at unlimited scale.

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Meet the team

Portrait of Jamie Pine

Jamie Pine

Founder, Engineer & Designer

Portrait of Brendan Allan

Brendan Allan

Rust Engineer

Portrait of Oscar Beaumont

Oscar Beaumont

Rust Engineer

Portrait of Ericson Soares

Ericson Soares

Rust Engineer

Portrait of Utku Bakir

Utku Bakir

React Native Engineer

Portrait of Haden Fletcher

Haden Fletcher

Engineer & Designer

Portrait of Jake Robinson

Jake Robinson

Rust Engineer

Portrait of Mihail Dounaev

Mihail Dounaev

Graphic Designer

... and all the awesome open source contributors on GitHub.

Our investors

We're backed by some of the greatest leaders in the technology industry.

Portrait of Joseph Jacks

Joseph Jacks

Founder, OSSC

Lead Seed

Portrait of Guillermo Rauch

Guillermo Rauch

CEO, Vercel

Co-Lead Seed

Portrait of Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

Founder, AngelList

Co-Lead Seed

Portrait of Neha Narkhede

Neha Narkhede

Confluent, Apache Kafka


Portrait of Austen Allred

Austen Allred

CEO, Bloom Institute of Technology


Portrait of Tom Preston-Werner

Tom Preston-Werner

Founder, GitHub


Portrait of Tobias Lütke

Tobias Lütke

CEO, Shopify


Portrait of Justin Hoffman

Justin Hoffman

Former VP Sales, Elasticsearch


Portrait of Ry Walker

Ry Walker

Founder, Astronomer


Portrait of Zachary Smith

Zachary Smith

Head of Edge Infrastructure, Equinix


Portrait of Sanjay Poonen

Sanjay Poonen

Former COO, VMware


Portrait of David Mytton

David Mytton

CEO, console.dev


Portrait of Peer Richelsen

Peer Richelsen

CEO, Cal.com


Portrait of Lester Lee

Lester Lee

Founder, Slapdash


Portrait of Haoyuan Li

Haoyuan Li

Founder, Alluxio


Portrait of Augusto Marietti

Augusto Marietti

CEO, Kong


Portrait of Vijay Sharma

Vijay Sharma

CEO, Belong


Portrait of Naveen R

Naveen R

Founder, NocoDB
